I work with a small group of 1:1 clients & a group program 2x a year. It doesn't have to feel hard. I'd be honored to help you achieve your goals and have fun doing it!

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I offer LIVE classes every week and have a library of on demand workouts available to do anytime/anywhere. I'd LOVE to help you gain strength + mobility, raise your endorphins & feel good. Movement is medicine.

Let's Work - It - OUT


The Resting Bliss Face Podcast is a lifestyle podcast where I offer mindset shifts and action steps to help you reach your goals AND keep your sanity. It's light, bright and REAL.

Listen Here

Meagan is a super motivated thought leader & inspirer with a refreshing REAL LIFE approach to wellness.

You know those people who seem to have it all together on social media - the ones with the "perfect" bodies/lives/jobs/relationships/homes? Well, that is NOT Meagan. She is unapologetic in her approach to keep things real AND motivational. Her no bs message is one that resonates with those who want to make lasting change. Have a goal? Well guess's closer than you think! YOU call the shots friend.

Read my Official Bio

 Are you your own worst critic? Do you find you're actually the one getting in your way? Or maybe you blame others for things that have gone wrong? Maybe you're in the "I'll be happy when..." state of mind. I've been there. I've learned all the lessons and decided to take back my power. I stopped blaming others, stopped being an a-hole to myself and realized food wasn't the problem. My body wasn't a problem. My boss wasn't the one holding me back. Past trauma had nothing to do with me now...unless I decided it did. Taking my power back means - I get to decide. I decided to level up and maximize my life in every way.

Guess's has worked out pretty well ;).

Through coaching I help my clients discover their thoughts have a direct impact on their results.

Thoughts create your feelings and feelings drive your actions. Actions create your results. So if you want a different result we start with the thoughts.

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LOVE from clients

"Our time together is the highlight of my week."